A New Epidemic in the U.S.?

  • Are you suffering from exhaustion (even after a good night’s rest)?
  • Do you have a difficult time handling stress?
  • Are you craving salt, sugar, and/or fat?
  • Do you find the cold unbearable?
  • Do you have a reduced sex drive?
  • Are you experiencing memory/cognitive problems?
  • Is your immune system suppressed?
  • Are you gaining weight around your mid-section and have weight loss resistance?
                                  If so, you should definitely read this week’s post!

Today, I’m back on the theme of Mind/Body Connection and I’m focusing on a subject matter that I covered in my social media challenge last year. I’m revisiting this topic because it has popped up numerous times in random conversations over the past 6 weeks —most recently at a networking event with a group of 5 strangers who either suffer from these ailments or know someone who does. I’m referring to Adrenal Fatigue, a commonly undiagnosed disorder of the adrenal gland that can lead to debilitating outcomes.

My good friend and fellow coach, Danielle Cavallucci, brought it to my attention last year. At the time, I had no knowledge about this illness, but after doing some research, I was shocked by how serious it could be and wondered why it wasn’t discussed more often.

If you want to understand how widespread this is, count how many of your colleagues, friends, and family members frequently say how tired they are even when they get enough sleep, or consume copious amounts of caffeine and still seem sluggish, or suffer from a weak immune system and general malaise? I’m sure your numbers are as high as mine. Studies estimate that between 65% to 80% of adults experience Adrenal Fatigue at some point during their lifetime, yet it still remains one of the most under-diagnosed maladies in the U.S. 

In a nutshell (pun intended), your two hormone-producing adrenal glands are each about the size of a walnut, yet they are responsible for one of the most important functions in your body: coping with anxiety and stress.

 In a blog on lifehack.org, Jenna Anderson wrote, “Your body has a built-in stress response — which helped keep your Paleolithic ancestors alive — and these little glands on top of your kidneys are known as the adrenal glands. These little guys help regulate your metabolism, help your body respond to stress, regulate blood pressure, and produce essential hormones such as adrenaline." 

(Side Note: they are also responsible for your fight or flight reaction.) 

"That’s a lot of responsibility, and as a result, these little powerhouses are essential to helping you stay healthy, especially if you have weight loss or wellness goals. When the adrenal glands are over taxed they can create a set of symptoms which alone don’t add up to much, but when repeatedly brought together show the effects of chronic stress.”

In James Wilson’s book, Adrenal Fatigue: the 21st Century Stress Syndrome, he wrote, "The adrenals are known as ‘the glands of stress.’ It is their job to enable your body to deal with stress from every possible source, ranging from injury and disease to work and relationship problems. Your resiliency, energy, endurance, and your very life all depend on their proper functioning."

When your adrenal glands are depleted, a condition known as Adrenal Fatigue sets in, which in turn, triggers the symptoms mentioned above, along with a multitude of others. These are not a random bout of symptoms like with the flu or a cold. Rather, symptoms that have been present for months or even years, but have never been acknowledged or managed. For some, bouncing back is relatively easy, but for others, it can be a long and exhausting road to recovery. If not dealt with properly, Adrenal Fatigue can worsen, making even the simplest of tasks an ordeal. This is why it is important to address the issue as soon as possible and begin an effective therapy to rebuild your health.

For a long time, Western medicine didn’t even acknowledge that this was an illness or disorder. However, with the proliferation of information on the subject on the internet, and with more and more people coming out of the proverbial Adrenal Fatigue “closet,” progress is being made and topical conversations are exponentially increasing.

The truth is Adrenal Fatigue can take years to develop, conversely, it can take a long time to recover. Depending on the severity of your situation, recovery can take anywhere from 6 months to over a year.

But let’s focus on the positive news here — with proper care, full recovery is achievable!

Since I’m not a doctor or have any medical training whatsoever, I leave you in the hands of medical professionals to take it from here. There are a plethora of educational blogs and articles on Adrenal Fatigue, but I’m including a link to one that I think provides the most useful information. Written by Dr. Michael Lam and Dr. Justin Lam, the article is comprehensive, yet very easy to understand.

So, if you or anyone you know might be suffering from Adrenal Fatigue, take action today and get on the road to recovery!

And so ends my Public Service Announcement…

For more detailed information on Adrenal Fatigue, check out this article:

TIME TO DINE: Cooking for Joan

Since I’m doing my public service duty this week, I thought it was fitting to include an Adrenal Fatigue-friendly dish. This fish recipe is so tasty, aromatic, easy to make, and is incredibly healthy! Adjust the cooking time according to your fish cook preference. I prefer my fish less done than others, but the recipe should get you to where you want to be.

 Baked Ginger Tilapia with Cilantro

 Prep Time: 30 min | Cook Time: 15 min | Makes: 2 | Difficulty: Easy 


  •  2 large Tilapia filets (or similar thin white fish); about 3/4 pound
  • 1 Jalapeno pepper
  • 3 Garlic cloves
  • 1 inch Ginger; grated, (1 tablespoon)
  • 2 tablespoons Soy sauce
  • 1/4 cup White wine
  • 1 teaspoon Sesame oil
  • 1/3 cup Chopped cilantro
  • Scallions; chopped for garnish
  • Extra cilantro; to garnish 


 Heat the oven to 450 degrees F.

  1.  Pat the fish dry and season lightly with salt and pepper. Place in a glass baking dish.
  2. Chop the pepper and garlic, and grate the ginger. Put in a small food processor with the soy sauce, white wine, sesame oil, and cilantro and blend.
  3. Pour the sauce over the fish, rubbing it in a little. Bake for about 8 minutes, or until the fish flakes easily and is cooked through. It will be very moist and gelatinous, still.
  4. Serve immediately over rice of your choice, garnish with scallions and cilantro. 

 bon appétit!

Categories: Mind - Body Connection

Tags: life coach , life coaching , adrenal fatigue , exhaustion , coping with stress , coping with anxiety , trouble sle , low sex drive , gaining weight around your mid-section , experiencing memory problems , healthy recipes , tilapia , healthy dinner recipe